I’m Randy, W5UE. Welcome to my web site. From here you can access my OQRS pages for requesting QSLs for the stations I manage. I’ll also try and share some of the various projects I’ve taken on over the years.
I was first licensed in 1972 as WN5JBW/WB5JBW as a teenager in high school. My license lapsed in the 80s due to starting a new family, relocating away from my “ham community” and several other bad reasons. I returned to the Mississippi Gulf Coast in 1993 and reconnected with my long time friend and elmer, Floyd, N5FG (SK) and others. It didn’t take much arm twisting to get me to go retest and I quickly passed my General and received the callsign KC5YJI as punishment for letting an Advanced ticket lapse. About a month later I passed my Extra exam and applied for the vanity call W5UE. I enjoy DXing and contesting primarily using my favorite mode CW. I have been fortunate to be involved with several Mississippi/Alabama coast IOTA activations and contest trips to Suriname and the Bahamas. You may have caught me on the air on some of these trips operating as W4D, K5R, K5C, C6AKO, C6ARB, PZ5A and PZ5UE. I serve as QSL manager for many of these operations in addition to renowned contest superstations HC8N / HC8L, 9V1YC and others. Please visit my QSL Manager page for detailed information on these activities.
I have been married since 1976 to my wife, Kathy and we have been blessed with one terrific son, Kevin, KD5SOR. He was wise enough to marry Megan, our wonderful daughter-in-law and they have blessed us with two wonderful grandchildren. Kathy and I currently live in Lumberton.